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Arizona guest ranch resort Arizona guest ranch resort Arizona guest ranch resort Arizona guest ranch resort

Chiricahua Monument Ride

This 53 mile ride (round trip) travels from Sunglow Ranch to Massai Point, the summit of the Bonita Canyon Road inside the Chiricahua National Monument. Bonita Canyon is a truly spectacular climb that offers stunning views of the Chiricahua rock formations and the valley below, not to mention a serious test of aerobic fitness. The climb is not terribly steep (~5% avg. grade) but persists for about 8 miles.

Kansas Settlement Road

This 84 mile (round trip) ride tours the beautiful scenery northwest of Sunglow Ranch. Rather than head north along Route 191, cut through the valley along Kansas Settlement Rd., taking in panoramic  360° views of the entire region. Route-186 offers rolling hills and awesome views of the Dos Cabezas & Chiricahua mountain ranges.

Willcox Great Loop

This 100 mile(round trip) ride offers a grand tour of Sunglow Ranch’s surroundings. Along the route are the ghost towns of Pearce and Cochise, as well as the happening town of Willcox, which is a great mid-way rest stop. Enjoy continuous panoramic views of the surrounding mountains along mostly quiet roads. The terrain is mostly flat with some rolling hills so the miles tick by quickly.

Sunglow Ranch Travelers Choice Award